Tips for Actors: Creating a Standout Audition Reel
Tips for Actors: How Creating a Standout Audition Reel from NYC Casting Director Ken Lazer, CSA will help you stand out.
Mastering the Art of Casting Calls
Here are some strategies to help you master the art of casting calls with a New York City Casting Director.
Preparing for Commercial and Film Auditions: Tips for Actors
In this blog, we'll provide practical advice for actors on how to prepare for auditions and leave a lasting impression on casting directors.
“The Role of a Casting Director: A Guide for Commercial and Film Directors”
In New York City, where the entertainment industry thrives, finding the right casting director can make all the difference.
A Brief Study About the Background Artists and Their Work
Background artists are the unsung heroes of innumerable films, television shows, and advertisements. It would be difficult to bring to life situations such as bustling high streets, church services, parties, or anything else that includes people without groups of background
Casting Director Ken Lazer, CSA
Many directors around the world would agree on one thing – casting is one of the most important elements in the process of filmmaking. So much so that there's a popular saying that "casting is 90% of directing." There's an
Lessons from Casting Director Ken Lazer, CSA
Admittedly, the casting process is quite complicated, especially for people who are new to the industry as a whole. It could be overwhelming trying to figure out who is who and who does what. The list of crew members that
Film Casting: The Process Explained | Ken Lazer Casting
Film casting is a core part of the pre-production process. Acting agencies hold auditions to fill background and major roles in a project. All of the information in this article is verified by established NYC casting directors, seeing as NYC
Actor’s Question Answered || Nyc Casting Director
I wanted to share a question from an actor and my response
Working With Babies! Did You Know?
In addition to all the children and adult projects I cast, I do a lot of baby castings too. After a callback session with a client recently, I was telling him all my secrets that I've learned about babies and